Minggu, 15 November 2009

Fighter Room Exploit DC V2 Coded By I-N-D-R-A

Fighter Room Exploit DC V2 - By - I-N-D-R-A

Shouts to daaza for login example its a room exploit booter u can dissconnect ymsg15,16,17 & ymsg102 client logins in seconds + any messy ver in pm on or off (silent dc without error). Login 50+ bots for room dc 50 bots are good hitting single or multi victims there is a charge release method boot options
u need to wait 10-15 seconds for releasing but after release clients will dc in 5seconds


  1. I-N-D-R-A


  1. http://www.y-fighter.com

VIP Options:

Single victim (Packets Update) : u can dc any messy ver pm on or off & ymsg15,16,17 clients with this option click in autoboot & select release delay for autobooting single victim room exploit (Packets Update) : there is 2 option for room dc

  1. Room exploit dc (Packets Update) : this option will dc ymsg15,16,17 login clients in room users
  2. ymsg102 (Packets Update) : this option will dc ymsg102 login clients like yazak 102 or ysupra this will hit multipal victims
  3. join room : join room for grabbing room users then click move to victim list or without join click in load & load victim list & click move to victim list
  4. Chat Screen : New Form Viewing & Chatting In Room
  5. Boot Security Settings : U Can Use Security Option For Setting Your Bot Security To Booters,
  6. Client Detector : This will detect all usrs client in room.

I will be make chat client in some days so its only a testing ver for chat room function hehe :d, tip :

  1. Use 50-100 bots for room exploit
  2. Set release delay according to your net speed if u r in slow connection then change the delay as 30seconds


  1. Single Victim (public) : Form messy users only in pm on

Room Exploit:

  1. Messy 8 : For Dissconnecting Messy 8 Users In Room
  2. Messy 910 : For Dissconnecting Messy910 Users In Room

I saw some times messy 910 packets not so much effective in windows vista or windows 7 users, but if victim is in xp this packets will crash his messenger very badly, & other chat room options are same like vip ver :)

Diffrence is public & vip ver
U can dissconnect only messy vers with pulic ver & in vip ver u can dissconnect all clients + messy pm off

tip :

  1. Use 20-30 bots for room exploit
  2. Set release delay according to your net speed if u r in slow connection then change the delay as 30seconds


  1. SCLabel
  2. actskin4
  3. XPControls
  4. SkinCrafter2
  5. yf
  6. comdlg32
  7. Fighter Room Exploit DC V2 - By - I-N-D-R-A (Public Demo Ver)

Get Fighter Room Exploit DC V2 - By - I-N-D-R-A (Public Demo Ver)

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